Thursday, 11 July 2013


The idea of having my own blog has been in my mind for may be over a year. A little late in life perhaps at the age of sixty eight!Or maybe not,everything happens at the right time I would like to believe.

For so many years the long gaps between films,which have been many,have been frustrating.But not always,sometimes they have been productive.I took up brush and paint and spent a lot of time painting which resulted in some creative satisfaction.On other occasions some poems came by. I say poems came by because one does not sit down and say OK I am going to write a poem. Poems just visit you like a fleeting thought or maybe like a butterfly flying past you leaving you pleasantly amused.While on other occasions when one was sitting idle not inspired to do anything and one was brooding, a thought would come to you in a flash like a minor revelation either giving you a fresh insight into something one has been thinking about or something entirely new which one had not thought about before. And many a time lot of these minor revelations remain unexpressed or forgotten over a period of time.Only a few of these random thoughts remained in record and one feels a certain loss when one is not able to remember many such moments which have not found expression one way or another.

So the blog.Why not I thought, put these moments in time on record for anyone who may be interested in reading what all one has thought about life, art and cinema. I hope to put in this blog whatever I have in my record -- poems, paintings,photographs and random notes.Occasionally I hope to put up  clippings  from my films as  illustrations of my ideas on cinema. I hope all this will find some receptive readers and I will have the satisfaction of expressing my thoughts and ideas for them.

To know more about me and my work please visit  < >

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