Friday, 18 April 2014

Guru Speak


                              Swami Sharnanand

Once an old lady came to Swami Sharnanand and complained that her son had taken away from her the entire property left for her by her husband and she had nothing left to fend for herself. She was in deep distress and was crying because she did not know how to fight with her own son. Swamiji told her that either she should fight for her rights and take back what was due to her from her son or just give it up happily for the son whom she loved. The lady followed his advice accordingly fought for her rights and got back what was due to her without any malice in her heart. Swamiji believed that one should not take injustice lying down and one should always struggle for one's rights.

Vishnu Mathur.

April 18, 2014.  

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