Friday, 21 June 2013



The other day I wrote that I don't write poems and that they just come to me and that one cannot just sit down and write a poem whenever one wants to.Well that may be true for myself but for those write on regular basis the method of arriving at their moment of inspiration may be different.My poems are short and simple just like Hikus, non narrative in that sense.Describing a moment or a thought.I remember long back my first 'Poem' which flashed through my mind was like this.

I will sail over this
Like a cloud,
A faint smell
In the dust

Last year in September my elder brother Prem Mathur who lives in Perth and writes on a regular basis  sent me a Hindi poem about writing poems.The poem said that he continues to write poems although the romance was missing and that not many poems get published.Yet he continues to write said the poem.As soon as I finished reading my brother's poem another poem flashed through my mind.Just like his poem about poems. It was in Hindi too which I am reproducing below.


कविता तू  क्यों मिली  
में  नहीं पढता 
कविता अब 
न लिखता हूँ ,
फिर भी आ जाती 
हे तू 
हे कहीं से उड़ कर 
किसी अंतर मन के 
कोने से 
याद दिलाती हे 
की हे अब भी प्यार 
दिल में 
और मन में उमंग. 

तो क्यों न पढूं कविता 
जब तू  आ जाती हे 
उड़ कर
किसी अंतर मन के कोने से 
और याद दिलाती हे 
की अब भी 
हे  बाक़ी जीवन 
और कविता भी .

विष्णु माथुर .

सितंबर, २०१२ 

The poem roughly translates as

Oh, my poem
Why do you come
to me.
Every now and then
I neither read
Nor write you anymore
Yet you come up
From the crevices of
My my mind
Reminding me
That there is life
And love still
In one's heart
And so do the

Vishnu Mathur.
June, 21st, 2013.

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