All that one has to do is to see.You cannot see if you are not sensitive, And you are not sensitive if you have an image between you and the thing seen.Do you understand? To see is the act of love.You know what makes the total mind sensitive. Only Love. You can learn a technique yet love, but if you have technique and no love, you are going to destroy the world. Do watch it in yourself, sirs,do go into it in your own minds and hearts and you will see it for yourselves. Seeing, observing. listening, these are the greatest acts because you cannot see from that little corner.You cannot see what is happening in the world, the despair,the anxiety the aching loneliness,the tears of the mothers,wives,lovers, of those people who have been killed, But you have to see all that not emotionally, not saying 'Well I am against war' or ' I am for war' as that sentimentality and emotionalism are most destructive things. They avoid facts and so avoid what is. So seeing is all important,the seeing is understanding, you cannot understand through the mind, through the intellect or understand through a fragment. There is understanding only when the mind is completely quiet,which means there is no image.
Awakening Of Intelligence
J, Krishnamurti.
Vishnu Mathur
May 6, 2017.